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我们通过应用更为理论证明的操作员来寻求改善神经网络中的汇集操作。我们证明Logsumexp提供了用于登录的自然或操作员。当一个人对池中汇集运算符中的元素数正确时,这将成为$ \ text {logavgexp}:= \ log(\ text {mean}(\ exp(x)))$。通过引入单个温度参数,LogavgeXP将其操作数的最大值平滑地过渡到平均值(在限制性情况下发现$ 0 ^ + $和$ t \ to + \ idty $)。在各种深度神经网络架构中,我们在实验测试的LogavgeXP,无论是没有学习的温度参数,都在电脑视觉中的各种深度神经网络架构中。
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The choice of activation functions and their motivation is a long-standing issue within the neural network community. Neuronal representations within artificial neural networks are commonly understood as logits, representing the log-odds score of presence of features within the stimulus. We derive logit-space operators equivalent to probabilistic Boolean logic-gates AND, OR, and XNOR for independent probabilities. Such theories are important to formalize more complex dendritic operations in real neurons, and these operations can be used as activation functions within a neural network, introducing probabilistic Boolean-logic as the core operation of the neural network. Since these functions involve taking multiple exponents and logarithms, they are computationally expensive and not well suited to be directly used within neural networks. Consequently, we construct efficient approximations named $\text{AND}_\text{AIL}$ (the AND operator Approximate for Independent Logits), $\text{OR}_\text{AIL}$, and $\text{XNOR}_\text{AIL}$, which utilize only comparison and addition operations, have well-behaved gradients, and can be deployed as activation functions in neural networks. Like MaxOut, $\text{AND}_\text{AIL}$ and $\text{OR}_\text{AIL}$ are generalizations of ReLU to two-dimensions. While our primary aim is to formalize dendritic computations within a logit-space probabilistic-Boolean framework, we deploy these new activation functions, both in isolation and in conjunction to demonstrate their effectiveness on a variety of tasks including image classification, transfer learning, abstract reasoning, and compositional zero-shot learning.
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